Finkelstein '...This is 2017 not the 1940's,,,'
Famous saying in 1940 '...this is 1940 not the 1870's...'
i just watched the live feed from the russian court room and followed the updates on the russian exjw forum.. just waiting for confirmation from other sources...but, it looks like the final (and expected) result is:.
which means that the wts property in russia now belongs to the russian state..
Finkelstein '...This is 2017 not the 1940's,,,'
Famous saying in 1940 '...this is 1940 not the 1870's...'
my wife (unstuck) just saw a new 2-3 min video in her ex jw facebook feed, depicting a "paradise" scene preview.. it was complete with aerial shots and slow motion montages, with moving music.. scriptures were quoted across the screen, such as rev 21:3,4. i shazamed the music, and it came from another "worldly" album called "world of dreams.future world music" (you should see the song titles from that album!).
is it an official wt video, or some private persons production?.
if it is official, they seem to have once again resorted to desperate emotional manipulation tactics..... anyone else know?
my wife (unstuck) just saw a new 2-3 min video in her ex jw facebook feed, depicting a "paradise" scene preview.. it was complete with aerial shots and slow motion montages, with moving music.. scriptures were quoted across the screen, such as rev 21:3,4. i shazamed the music, and it came from another "worldly" album called "world of dreams.future world music" (you should see the song titles from that album!).
is it an official wt video, or some private persons production?.
if it is official, they seem to have once again resorted to desperate emotional manipulation tactics..... anyone else know?
blondie 2 hours ago
Do the women have skirts on?!
Wrong, all wrong. From 'paradise lost to paradise restored'. Them 'new world people' will all be walking about, over sandy shores and through forested woodlands, 'buck nekad'.
my wife (unstuck) just saw a new 2-3 min video in her ex jw facebook feed, depicting a "paradise" scene preview.. it was complete with aerial shots and slow motion montages, with moving music.. scriptures were quoted across the screen, such as rev 21:3,4. i shazamed the music, and it came from another "worldly" album called "world of dreams.future world music" (you should see the song titles from that album!).
is it an official wt video, or some private persons production?.
if it is official, they seem to have once again resorted to desperate emotional manipulation tactics..... anyone else know?
blondie 2 hours ago
Guy in beard teaching children////sure this is WTS?
Some resurrected dude, with a beard, teaching our children. This is so wrong on so many levels. Where is Tony 3rd when we need him?
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
'...Sometimes, I wish I could turn off my brain and just read a book without a pencil and a Webster's in hand..'.
I hope your pencil breaks and you forget where you left your dictionary.
Good reading!
like the question asks: if you could relive any one day of your life, any age, any place and remember everything about it afterwards, would you be willing to live one year shorter at the end of your life?
one day for one year?.
i realize that someone well on in years would think twice about it, but, what about you younger ones?
The question is, ' If you could relive any one day of your life...'
There could be a number of reasons. The foremost, at least for myself, would be to spend the day with loved ones that are no longer with me. Fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, friends that have passed away. Memory is one of our greatest treasures, but as we age it fades. If I could relive a happy day with my parents and three brothers when I was young, I would trade a year for it in a flash.
Note that I did not give the option of making any changes in your life, but to just relive a special day or a day with a special person[s]. Most people experience nostalgia to a degree, some so severely that it can be described as a sickness.
like the question asks: if you could relive any one day of your life, any age, any place and remember everything about it afterwards, would you be willing to live one year shorter at the end of your life?
one day for one year?.
i realize that someone well on in years would think twice about it, but, what about you younger ones?
Like the question asks: If you could relive any one day of your life, any age, any place and remember everything about it afterwards, would you be willing to live one year shorter at the end of your life? One day for one year?
I realize that someone well on in years would think twice about it, but, what about you younger ones? It would mean instead of 83 you die at 82. Of course no one knows how long they will live but we would hope well into our 90's if relatively healthy. Would you do it?
so many evolutionist's on this forum are upset at the terror attacks in europe such as recently in sweden.
it is just a logical step in the evolution of the human race.
should you not rather be celebrating the great changes taking place right before your eyes and constructing detailed explanations of the cell structure and dna development in the human brain.. you can't eat your cake and still have it.
You are confusing Darwinian Evolution with Social Darwinism. Darwinian Evolution by natural selection is a theory that attempts to explain the origin of different species of organisms; it's scientific. Social Darwinism is not science, it is a rather poorly conceived political/ethical theory that those in power use to justify their exploitation of those who are weaker and poorer than them. Darwin himself never said that evolution favors the strong or the violent and he would be appalled that his name has been attached to such an idiotic philosphy.
I am not interested in Darwinian Evolution, or Social Darwinism, only EVOLUTION. For some strange reason some evolutionist's on this forum want to keep making the separation. They keep bringing up God and creationism as something to be debunked to support their position. Leave God and creationism out of this.
And stop separating the organic and the social/cultural. It's all evolution. Some here sound more like 'lukewarm' evolutionists. Not 'true blue, dyed in the wool' evolutionists. If you were political party members you certainly would not be of the inner circle. Only attending every second or third rally. Perhaps someone to be watched.
Everything has an explanation and being as evolution has the answer to all behavior, animal or human, organic or social/cultural, then evolution has the answer. You just have to accept it. If you don't understand it yet, keep educating yourself.
Because the theory of evolution was never meant to explain society. There is no 'social evolution'. Social Darwinists claim that evolution favors the strong over the weak, the smart over the stupid, the quick over the slow. Oh really? Is a mouse strong? Are clams smart? Is a sloth quick? Evolution favors anyone who lives long enough to pass their genes on to the next generation, using whatever means are at there disposal. Unless these Jihadi suicide bombers have kids and have left behind a fat life insurance policy that covers suicide bombers, then they are evolutionary failures! Blowing yourself up is not a sound survival strategy; it's right up there with celibacy in the list of evolutionarily maladaptive behavior.
Stop calling it a theory please. It's a fact.
A mother and father strap explosives onto the chests of their two small children. They direct them to walk to the local police station and then, when inside, explode the devices. They do it. "ALLAHU AKBAR!!!" God is great. Islam grows stronger. A worthy sacrifice for the cause. Mother and father are proud. They did not collaborate with their neighbors. They did it all on their own. Two children die but truly worth it for a great cause
[ Today my country, Canada, celebrates such a victory, Vimy Ridge, a small insignificant battle during WW 1, but we will brag about it anyways. Somehow time has turned all these slaughtered boys into heroes. It sounds so much better and something the politicians can make hay with.]
However, back to evolution. World War 1 for example. We may talk about the immediate cause but it says nothing for how this behavior developed in evolutionary time. We may come up with explanations about what brought on WW 1 but to understand why war exists we must look to evolution for an explanation. These two explanations are not competing with each other. They must support each other and both must be understood to properly comprehend the event. How does evolution dictate the everyday decisions of humankind?
so many evolutionist's on this forum are upset at the terror attacks in europe such as recently in sweden.
it is just a logical step in the evolution of the human race.
should you not rather be celebrating the great changes taking place right before your eyes and constructing detailed explanations of the cell structure and dna development in the human brain.. you can't eat your cake and still have it.
None of this crap disproves evolution ...
Who says it disproves evolution? Apparently evolution controls or effects everything. I am not trying to disprove evolution, just arguing that it controls everything, social and organic. If you think my comments are trying to disprove evolution the thinking is your own. You may be having trouble giving evolution the place it rightly deserves.
Are you trying to eat your cake and still have it?
so many evolutionist's on this forum are upset at the terror attacks in europe such as recently in sweden.
it is just a logical step in the evolution of the human race.
should you not rather be celebrating the great changes taking place right before your eyes and constructing detailed explanations of the cell structure and dna development in the human brain.. you can't eat your cake and still have it.
You should learn to differentiate between valid sciences, and the various bastard derivations thereof.
Social Darwinism is to organic evolution what astrology is to astronomy.
Why are you differentiating social evolution from organic evolution. Why is evolution not just evolution?
You can't eat your cake and still have it.